Why I prefer using a kitchen scale over measuring cups? The main reason is it’s more precise. Especially for baking accuracy is important. The ratios between the different ingredients are crucial; when ingredients are not measured precisely the end result will differ. And we all want that perfect cookie, right?

I often times write my recipes out both in weight and measurement, but I thought it was time to share my thoughts on this matter. When it comes to baking especially, I highly recommend to use a kitchen scale.
Using a kitchen scale vs. measuring cups
When you use a scale you can exactly weigh out the exact needed quantity. With cups you are always ‘guesstimating’. Using a measuring cup isn’t that precise; your force of scooping already influences the actual amount you add to a cup. I always wonder: ‘What is the correct way to fill a cup? Should I compact it or does it have to be loosely packed?’ Particularly for larger amounts, weighing is more accurate than volumetric measurements.

4 more reasons to use a kitchen scale
- Using a scale is faster than measuring cups (especially for larger amounts); just dump the ingredient in a bowl, weigh it, press the zero button and add the next ingredient;
- A scale does conversions so you don’t have to yourself;
- You will have less dishes; just keep on pressing the zero button on your scale to add ingredients to the bowl you are using;
- Scales are reliable; you will always have the same result. That is the reason professional chefs but also chemists and pharmacists use a scale.
Why is accuracy even more important in baking than in cooking?
Baking is a science. While a pinch or a dash in cooking is ok, when you bake you need to be more accurate. In baking, a recipe is a mathematical formula; each ingredient has an important role. How much of each ingredient you use and what you do to it affects the resulting product in both taste and texture. If you add too much butter or oil for example or not enough flour, your cookies will spread. If you add too much baking powder or baking soda your cake will taste funny and will rise rapidly and then sink in the middle.

So my advice is: use a kitchen scale whenever possible for above mentioned reasons. Don’t have one? Now you know what to ask for your birthday! I will continue mentioning both ways as much as I can although I can’t guarantee the same end result… Keep it precise friends, and those cookies will be perfect every time!
Speaking of cookies, have you tried my healthy chocolate chip cookies or brownie cookies? And a new and improved vegan chocolate chip cookie recipe is coming up soon… you can never have enough chocolate cookie recipes, right?
Have I convinced you? Let me know how you do. Leave a comment and I will answer your question. Tag pictures of your baking results using a scale @familicious.kitchen on Instagram and hashtag it #familiciouskitchen. Sharing is caring!
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